Four Facts about Language Development

Understanding more about language development can help us teachers and parents have a clearer picture on our role in facilitating it. Sometimes, our expectations are too high or sometimes we neglect some problems in language development children might have. Most of the time, language acquisition is something natural which just unfolds without too much effort from parents. If children are stimulated, however, that can be a different story. The vocabulary could be even richer, the healthy habit of reading might be developed and the child may ultimately learn to express him/herself much easier. All these have major implications for the child's future adulthood, form both career or personal life perspectives.

Here are some of the facts that may make you reconsider your verbal interactions with your children:
  1. The first facts is common sensical, but I will write it here anyways :) Positive reactions and encouragement of the first attempts of talking influence the child's language trajectory. Behaviorist theory suggests that language, as other aspects of human development is absorbed by children through operant conditioning, meaning that certain actions and behaviors are enforced by giving a reward. For example a parents reaction to a child babbling may determine the shape of his futures sounds. Parents may reward children with attention, a positive comment, a smile or a touch and the child will be more likely to repeat the sound. "Baby talk" also known as  "motherese" or "parentese" helps babies pay closer attention to speech against background noise and puts emphasis on the important words or structures.
  2. Children will learn how to talk by themselves with no formal education provided they are a part of society and they get plenty of social interactions. Chomsky's Language Acquisition Device is a theory which refers to the innate and universal ability of children to absorb and process language from his/her environment. This device may explain why children across cultures go through the same stages of language development. For example a child in Spain may invent the Spanish version of "runned". Should the social interaction lack, language development, especially after 5 is more difficult and less successful. The are two theories which seem to support this: Critical Period Hypothesis, which  is based on studies of feral children and suggests that 0-5 is critical to acquiring the language skills a human being needs to properly function in society.  The second one, Social Interactionist theory, explains how language developed focusing on the interactions between the child and adult, as a partnership between a beginner and someone who is more competent. As the child develops and makes new discoveries, so does the need to share these discoveries grows, the child turning towards those close trusted adults around him. This is how the social aspect impacts the development of language. The lack of socialization in the first years of life can severely damage a child's brain and consequently his/her language acquisition.
  3. For young children up to five learning to speak two or three languages at once is as easy as learning just one, provided the necessary exposure. Bilingual children have the same milestones in language development and have a deeper understanding of language in comparison to monolingual children. 
  4. Most speech delays can recovered until de age of seven. However, they can cause harm to the social or emotional development. Here is a list of signs of language delay put together by the Canadian Hanen Center. Parents and teacher should have in mind that speech delays are not the same as language delays!
I recommend watching this amazing TED Talk by Patricia Kuhl, which will shed more light on the internal mechanisms of language development in babies!

Sources of pictures:



    1. Brandone, A., Salkind S., Golinkoff R. & Hirsh-Pasek K. (undated) Language Development [online]available from: (date accessed 5/10/13)
    2. Brock, A., & Rankin, C., (2008) Communication, Language and Literacy from Birth to Five [online]available from: (date accessed 5/10/13)
    3. De Houwer, A., (2012), Milestones in Bilingual Children's Language Development [online]available from:, (date accessed 5/10/13)
    4. Macleod-Brudenell, I. & Kay, J. (2008, Second Edition) Advanced Early Years for Foundation Degrees & Levels 4/5 Harlow: Heinemann
    5. Montessori Centre International (undated a) Module 2 - Child Development London: MCI
    6. Montessori Centre International (undated b) Module 3 Observations London: MCI
    7. Oesterreich, L. (1995a) Ages & stages - three-year-olds [online] available from: National Network for Child Care(NNCC) [online] (date accessed 5/10/13)
    8. Oesterreich, L. (1995b) Ages & stages - two-year-olds [online] available from: National Network for Child Care(NNCC) [online] (date accessed 5/10/13)
    9. Papalia D. E., Wendkos-Olds S. & Duskin-Feldman, R., (2010, 11th ed.), Dezvoltarea Umană (Human Development), București (Bucharest): Editura Trei
    10. Raising Children Network (2011) Language development: 3-4 years [online] available at: (date accessed 5/10/13)
    11. US National Institutes of Health, (2010) Toddler development [online] available at: (date accessed 5/10/13).

    An explanation of some of Maria Montessori's unique child development concepts

    Maria Montessori (1966, 2007a, 2007b) brought a change of perspective in child development by creating a child-centred and child-led system which allows the child to grow at his/her own pace.  She theorised the different stages of development of a child and the way s/he learns and brought forward concepts such as “the absorbent mind” (Montessori, 2007a) and “sensitive periods” (Montessori, 1966). These concepts will be explored in this article, together with my understanding of their impact on child education and the role of adults in supporting their development.
    In the first chapter of her book “From Childhood to Adolescence”, Montessori (1958) describes the development of the child through comparison to the growth of insects, from egg to butterfly, transforming in all the different stages. These stages have distinct traits and represent the path the evolving child will take from birth to adulthood. Montessori named these successive developments “rebirths” (Montessori 2007a) of the child, and categorised them into three periods: infancy, from birth to six years, childhood: from six to twelve and adolescence: from twelve to eighteen years.
    The first and the last stages are periods of intense transformation while the second is calmer. Each of these periods has specific environmental needs and specific preparation of the adults surrounding the child, either teacher or parent, as will be discussed later in this paper. The first period has two sub-phases: “the spiritual embryonic stage” (Montessori, 2007a), from birth to three and “the social embryonic stage” (Montessori, 1966), from three to six. These are periods during which the child’s mind is like a sponge, capable of absorbing and internalising information and sensations from the surrounding environment in a fast and natural way.  This concept was defined by Montessori as “the absorbent mind” (2007a).
    The first sub-phase, the spiritual embryonic stage is a period of formation during which the work of the new born child is similar to that of the embryo but in a psychological plan, rather than a physical one (Montessori, 2007a). His/her actions are driven by “the horme” a term developed by Sir Percy Nunn and described by Montessori as an innate force of life which directs the child towards his natural evolution (2007a).  The child’s mind is extremely active and unconsciously assimilates the environment, language, movements, culture and religion of the adults without questioning the information. All these are stored and permanently fixed in the child’s early unconscious memory called “mneme” (Montessori, 2007a) and will influence the child throughout his/her life. In this period it is not the adult who creates these abilities for the child, but the absorbent mind of the child working on its own, at its own pace.
    An important process for the child during this period is independence from the adult. S/he learns to speak, walk, gain control of his/her hands and master his/her body. Once these basic skills are acquired s/he moves into the next sub-phase of the absorbent mind, which Montessori called the social embryo (1966). This is a time when the child uses and perfects the skills previously gained and during which the horme is slowly replaced by the will. Much learning and exploration during this period is made with the help of the hands, which facilitate mental development (Montessori, 2007a). The child also becomes more aware of the surrounding children and adults and develops the first inter-personal skills, absorbing the social and cultural norms. During this phase, the conscious stage of development (3 – 6 years) the child can learn new skills through deliberate effort.
    Some of the most important behavioural processes observed by Montessori during the first period of development are the “human tendencies” (Montessori, 1966). She believed that all humans have certain genetic predispositions connected to their needs which can be encountered across cultures and countries such as the tendency to work, explore, imitate, socialize, move, concentrate, repeat, maintain order, achieve independence or communicate.
    Closely related to the human tendencies Montessori identified particular periods in a child’s life when the acquisition of a new skill unfolds. The child is more receptive to learn particular skills or concepts and has the intrinsic tendency to repeat and perfect it. Once the ability is gained, the interest in it fades. Montessori named these periods “sensitive periods” (1966), after the Dutch scientist Hugo de Vries, who had previously observed them in animals. The theory of sensitive periods comes out of human tendencies. If humans have tendencies towards specific behaviour then there must be a fool-proof mechanism to make sure that the young are sensitised to the skills needed to fulfil human tendencies, hence sensitive periods.
    Montessori (1966, 2007a) identified six of these periods: sensitivity to order, movement, small objects and language, refinement of senses and social aspects of life.
    Sensitivity to order (Montessori, 1966) emerges during the child’s first months of life and can be observed during both embryonic stages. It is closely connected to the human tendency to maintain order. As chaos and confusion are unsettling, humans arrange and classify things in order to understand the world and their place in it.  Order helps children feel safe and in control, orientate, explore the environment and understand it: “[it] consists in recognizing the place for each object in relation to its environment and in remembering where each thing should be. This implies that one is able to orient one's self within one's environment and to dominate it in all its details” (Montessori, 1966, pp. 52-53).  If adults change the order of the objects in the room of the child, s/he will be disoriented and troubled, and will have to repeat the steps of internalising the new order. Order also facilitates movement. Once a child knows the place of different objects in the environment, s/he will try to reach and grab the objects. So if a child grows in a disorganised environment, the manipulation of the object will be delayed due to the lack of order in her/his environment and as the intellect of the child is influenced by the movements of the hand his/her cognitive development will also be delayed, consequently order is directly linked to intellectual development. 
    The adult plays a crucial part in facilitating this period. S/he has to be extremely attentive to the child’s needs and emphatic. Objects must be carefully arranged so that each will have a place of its own. The decoration on the walls should be simple and not changed regularly, for the child to be able to absorb faster and interact with his/her environment. Eating and bed time routines should be established together with certain ground rules. The adults need to be consistent in following these rules and routines. It is highly beneficial for the child if both parents and all nursery staff align their behaviour according to these principles. If this does not happen the child will be confused and disoriented.
    We have seen earlier that order is closely connected to movement (Montessori, 1966), another sensitive period which begins in the womb and continues after the birth of the child, culminating with the child’s ability to walk (Montessori, 1966) at the approximate age of 1 year.  It lasts up to the age of four (sometimes beyond) and facilitates the development of hand/eye coordination, fine motor skills (such as the manipulations of small items) and gross motor skills (such as walking or jumping). Movement relates to the human tendency towards exploration, manipulation and repetition (Montessori, 1966). For example, a two year old might be completely absorbed by climbing the stairs up and down, over and over, until s/he masters the skill.  Having done that, s/he has not only gained this physical skill, but also a sense of achievement and confidence to take on new challenges. Movement is also a key component of learning, the child learns by `doing` rather than through sedentary activities.
    During my work, I have noticed adults that tend to be over-protective and impede their child to perform certain activities at a young age.  Once, a little boy in the park wanted to climb the fence. He carefully moved his hands and feet in the right places. When observed by his mother, he was taken down and firmly scolded. After a few minutes, the child clung to the fence again. She did not understand his need to learn repeat and the ability to climb.
    Thus, adults can facilitate this period by being calm, supportive and confident in the abilities of the child and by carefully assessing the environment to avoid injuries. The environment should provide opportunities to move freely, crawl, push and pull, to develop muscles and balance, to play. It should be equipped with toys and materials that develop the movements of the hand and the hand/eye coordination such as puzzles, beads and balls, stacking toys and crayons. The child should be able to repeat and refine movements such as hooking, turning or inserting small objects. Safe opportunities for running, climbing and jumping should also be ensured. Parks and playgrounds can also facilitate this kind of movement. Sometimes coping with an element of risk is more important than safety at any cost.
    As seen earlier, sensitivity to movement and order are connected to sensitivity to small objects (Montessori, 1966), which starts around the age of six months until the age of three (sometimes beyond). This relates to the human tendency of exploration and manipulation. Child–sized objects and furniture fit better into the child’s visual field, enabling him/her to observe and analyse them faster and benefit from their use (Montessori,1966). This sensitive period facilitates observation and concentration and the development of fine motor skills. Adults should provide enough time for individual exploration without interruption and make sure the environment is simple and attractive. The shelves should not be too crowded and objects clearly differentiated. The room should feel airy, light and inviting. During this sensitive period the child is drawn to small objects, trying to make sense of their world.
    The period of sensitivity to language (Montessori, 2007a) is related to the human tendency to communicate. This sensitive period begins from birth when the infant learns language unconsciously during the spiritual embryonic stage and lasts until the age of five then repeats from the age of seven to nine. New born babies can recognize sounds from the womb. Then, they gradually and unconsciously absorb not only words, but the order of the words and their meaning (Montessori, 2007a).  A child that is not exposed to language is irrevocably damaged: “great many of the defects which remain permanently in the adult are due to functional errors in the development of speech during the time of childhood” (Montessori, 2007b, pp.215).
    During the early years all communication from adults to child needs to be clear, concise and articulate. Adults should speak to the child, stimulate conversations, read and offer synonyms and descriptive adjectives (for example a wonderful, sparkly, soft toy). As language is the tool of absorbent mind, the adult’s attitude towards communication can influence the developing child, who must feel comfortable enough to share what s/he knows and what s/he is interested in.
    The environment should provide language development materials: illustrated books, picture, word or sound cards, writing tools, alphabet puzzles and sensorial materials such as the “sand paper letters” (2007b) used in the Montessori pedagogy. There are also several activities and games adults can engage children in during this sensitive period, such as the popular "I spy, with my little eye [...]”, singing songs, poems, rhymes and stories. Vertical grouping (mixed age groups) in the Montessori environment meets the child`s needs during this sensitive period as well. Play is of extreme importance.

    Sensitivity to the refinement of senses is connected to the human tendency of exploration (Montessori, 1966). Children are naturally curious and love to use their senses to learn about the world. This period is characterized with the child’s fascination with sensorial experiences (smell, sounds, weight, taste and touch sight). It starts at birth and intensifies between two and five. Montessori’s innovative approach to learning also consists in the development of her sensorial materials (2007b). As the first sensorial experiences are stored in the mneme, during the spiritual embryonic stage, the child organises and classifies these experiences, thus forming the base of his/her logical thinking (Montessori, 2007a). To facilitate this period, adults should observe the child, provide and demonstrate the sensorial materials and offer the child the opportunity to work alone. Montessori (2008) suggests that being in contact with nature, through observation and gardening children develop their senses and their understanding of the world. During this sensitive period the child should be given the freedom to manipulate their environment, using their senses, keeping safety in mind.
    Sensitivity to the social aspects of life emerges around the age of three, when the child becomes aware that he/she is part of the group, and lasts until the age of six. It relates to the human tendencies of gregariousness and communication. These tendencies direct the child to be among other children as well as adults so that they learn and develop socially.  To facilitate these tendencies Montessori created the “vertical grouping” (2007a) of the classroom. She believed mixed age groups benefit all children (Montessori, 2007a). Adults should therefore provide plenty of play opportunities for social interaction during this period. If they fail to do so, the child will become less socially confident and even uncomfortable around others.  

    Montessori’s experience had a major effect on the way we understand and educate children today. Her pioneering work brought forward a deeper understanding of the absorbent mind of the child during the first six years of life and the energies which drive it. It also enabled us to understand the impact of the sensitive periods in the formation of the child and the role of the environment and the adult in this process. For their impact and results her methods will always be a source of inspiration and orientation for both teacher and parents working for the optimal development of the child.

    • Lillard, P.P. (1996) Montessori Today New York: Schocken Books
    • Montessori Centre International (MCI) (2010) Module 1 Philosophy London: MCI
    • Montessori Centre International, (2011) Study Skills, London: MCI
    • Montessori, M., (2008, 2nd edition) The Montessori Method[online], New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, available online from (date accessed 3rd of January 2013)
    • Montessori, M., (1958) De L’Enfant a L’Adolescent (From Childhood to Adolescence)[online], Bruges: Desclée De Brouwer et Cie, available online from (date accessed 3rd of January 2013)
    • Montessori, M., (1966), The Secret of Childhood  New York: Ballantine Books 
    • Montessori, M., (2007a) The Absorbent Mind, Amsterdam: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company
    • Montessori, M., (2007b) The Discovery of the Child, Amsterdam: Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company
    • Montessori, M., (2010) Education pour un Monde Nouveau (Education for a New World), Paris: Desclee de Brouwer
    • Papalia D. E., Wendkos-Olds S. & Duskin-Feldman, R., (2010, 11th ed.), Dezvoltarea Umană (Human Development), București: Editura Trei
    • Stephenson, M.E. (2000) The Human Tendencies NAMTA Journal (Vol.25 (No.3), pp 5 – 22
    • Stoll Lillard, A. (2005) Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. 
    Source of the image:

     Dear teachers, 

    This article aims to illustrate an observation method called the Checklist. I hope this is useful for you. Please write if you use this technique in another way! Any feedback is kindly appreciated! I will post, later on, other observation techniques. I find this process crucial for the development of children.


    Observation Technique:  Checklist                                                                                

    Starting Time: session 1 – 11.00
                            session 2 – 12.15                     Finishing Time: session 1 – 11.30
                                                                                                       session 2 – 13.00                                         


    No. of Children: 1                   No. and role of Adults: 2        Child’s mother and myself;               


    Letter of permission and ethical statement: completed.



    Description of  Setting:  A home setting in a residential area of Brussels.


    Immediate Context (Playground, Art Corner etc.): session 1: A large living room, with an area with child-sized furniture and various materials for crafts, threading or transferring; session 2: The garden of the house, with small playground area, which leads to a big park and the park.


    First Names of Child observed: Ian


    Brief Description of Child – Ian is a 2 years and 8 month’s old (2:8) boy; He will soon become a brother. He attends a crèche three days per week;    


    Aim of Observation:  To begin to assess Ian’s (2:8) physical development by observing his fine and gross motor skills in relation to the norms of a child aged 2 and 3 in a home and outdoor setting, recorded in Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010), Macleod-Brudenell & Kay (2008), MCI (undated a), Oesterreich (1995b), Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008), US National Institutes of Health (2010), Raising Children Network (2011) . A checklist will be used for recording purposes.

    PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT       Gross Motor Skills at 2 years

    Working Towards
    Not yet able
    Not Observed
    Climbs stairs unassisted, one step after another on the same stair  [1,4]

    Kicks a ball without falling [2,3,6]

    Carries large objects  [3,5]

    Throws a large ball [1,4]

    Bends over to pick up toy without falling [1,4]

    Walks backwards [1,4,5,6]

    Opens and pulls drawers [4]

    Runs a few meters changing direction [1,2,3]

    Is able to stop [1,5]

    Responds to rhythm, music [1,4,5]

    Can sit on a chair [5 ]

    Pushes a wheeled toy [3,4]

    Squats [1,4]

    Kneels without losing balance [1,3]

    Walks and runs around without bumping into objects [2,3,4,6]

    1.      Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010)
    2.      Macleod-Brudenell & Kay (2008)
    3.      MCI (undated a)
    4.      Oesterreich (1995b)
    5.      Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008)
    6.      US National Institutes of Health (2010)
    PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT       Gross Motor Skills at 3 years

    Working Towards
    Not yet able
    Not Observed
    Jumps on both feet on the spot [1]

    Climbs [1,2,3]

    Pedals a tricycle [1,2,3, 4]

    Walks on tiptoe [3,4]

    Jumps over a 6" barrier [4]

    Stands on one foot [1,3]

    Adjusts speed or changes direction to avoid obstacles [5]

    Operates equipment by means of
    pushing and pulling movements [1,3,6]

    Walks sideways [1,4,6]

    Walks on a line [4,5]


    Hops on one foot [1,4,5]

    Uses his/her legs to pump a swing [1,4,6]


    1.    Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010)
    2.    Macleod-Brudenell & Kay (2008)
    3.    MCI (undated)
    4.    Oesterreich (1995a)
    5.   Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008)
    6.    Raising Children Network (2011)

    CHECKLIST: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT          Fine Motor Skills at 2 years
    Working Towards
    Not yet able
    Not Observed
     Builds a tower out of two cubes [1,3,4,5,6]

    Washes and wipes hands [1,4]


    Folds paper [1]

    Holds objects [1,3,5]

    Feeds self with spoon and fork [3,4,5]

    Turns the pages of a book [3]

    Transfer toys from hand to hand [1,3]

    Transfers objects with tongs [3,4]

    Scribbles vigorously with crayons [1,4,5]

    Claps [3]

    Makes marks using a large paint brush [1,5]

    Opens lids [1,3]

    Fills and empties containers [4,5]

     Uses pincer grip to pick up small objects                                                [1,3]

    1.      Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010)
    2.      Macleod-Brudenell & Kay (2008)
    3.      MCI (undated a)
    4.      Oesterreich (1995b)
    5.      Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008)
    6.      US National Institutes of Health (2010)

    PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT         Fine Motor Skills at 3 years

    Working Towards
    Not yet able
    Not Observed
    Draws a dot, line [1]

    Holds a pencil with thumb and two fingers [1,2,4]


    Pours water without spilling [1]


    Uses scissors to cut paper [1, 3, 6]

    Dresses self with some help [4, 5]


    Threads large beads onto string [1, 3, 6]


    Draws shapes [1, 2, 3, 5, 6]


    Builds puzzles of 6 -24 pieces [4,6]

    Spreads soft butter with a dull knife [4,6]

    Manipulates clay into shapes [4,5,6]

    Brushes his/her teeth [1,2 ,4, 5, 6]

    Blow his/her own nose when reminded [6]

    Undoes buttons [4, 5, 6]

    1.    Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010)
    2.    Macleod-Brudenell & Kay (2008)
    3.    MCI (undated a)
    4.    Oesterreich (1995a)
    5.    Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008)
    6.    Raising Children Network (2011)


    I have assessed Ian’s (2:8)  gross defined as large muscle movement by Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010) and fine motor skills defined as movements of the hand movement by Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010), balance, spatial awareness and coordination against the norms listed for the 2 year old and 3 year old child in various sources, including Papalia, Olds & Feldman (2010), Macleod-Brudenell & Kay (2008), Oesterreich (1995a,b) and various websites.

    At the age of 2 years and 8 months, Ian had time to perfect the gross motor skills attributed to a two year old; As expected of a child of his age, he was able to sit on a chair (Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2008), walk and run changing direction (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010) without bumping into objects (Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008).  He demonstrated good muscle control being able to stop (Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2008), climb stairs unassisted (Oesterreich, 1995b) and coordination when kicking and throwing a ball (MCI, undated a). He was also able to carry large objects (Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2008), as he found a tree branch in the park and decided to move it after him.  Ian (2:08) was able to bend over and pick up objects (Oesterreich, 1995b) without losing balance. He was able to open and pull drawers (Oesterreich, 1995b) and push a wheeled toy (MCI, undated a). As a two year old may be able to do, he was able to squat (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010) and kneel (MCI, undated a) without losing balance.

    Although not yet three Ian (2:08) was also able to do some of the gross motor movement attributed to a three year old child. He managed to jump on both feet on the spot (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010), doing warm-up exercises with his mother in the park. He was able to jump over a 6" tree branch (Oesterreich, 1995a) and climb (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010) a ladder to reach the slide. In the home garden he pedalled a tricycle (Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008) with velocity, adjusting speed and changing direction to avoid obstacles (Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2008). He also showed competency in operating equipment by means of pushing and pulling (Raising Children Network, 2011), when handling his tricycle back to its garage. All of the above indicate that Ian is ahead of some developmental norms expected for a two year old.

    There were a number of gross motor skills which I did not have an opportunity to observe, including walking backwards (US National Institutes of Health, 2010) and response to rhythm and music (Oesterreich, 1995a), which a 2 year old may be able to accomplish. In relation to the gross motor skills of a three year old, I was not able to observe walking on tiptoe (MCI, undated a), standing on one foot (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010) and walking sideways (Raising Children Network , 2011).

    It appears that at 2 years 8 months, Ian’s gross motor skills, balance, and coordination are developing in accordance with the expected milestones or normative rate for a child of his age.

    Ian’s manipulative skills recorded on the checklist also indicate a development in the range of the normative fine motor skills and abilities for a child of his age.   He seems to be as competent as can be expected of a 2 year 8 month old in his ability to build a tower out of at least two cubes (US National Institutes of Health, 2010), fold paper (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010), hold objects (MCI, undated a), transfer toys from hand to hand (MCI, undated a) and transfers objects with tongs (Oesterreich, 1995a), as he was playing with his collection of pebbles.

    According to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008), a child of his age should be able to scribble vigorously with crayons, which Ian clearly demonstrated at his working table. He was also able to open lids (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010), fill and empty jars with pebbles (Oesterreich, 1995a), and use his pincer grip (MCI, undated a) while he was picking the pebbles up one by one.

    It seems that Ian also acquired some of the fine motor manipulative skills which meet the norms specified for a three-year-old child. During my observation he drew dots and lines (Papalia, Olds & Feldman, 2010) together with his mother, he used scissors (Raising Children Network, 2011) to cut paper strips his mother previously prepared, he manipulated clay into shapes (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2008) and undid the buttons (Oesterreich, 1995a) of his mother’s cardigan, when she asked for some help.

    In addition, he seemed to be working towards achieving some other manipulative skills of a three year old, such as holding a pencil with thumb and two fingers (Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008) or  dressing himself (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2008). When his mother presented the activity of threading large beads onto string, which, according to Raising Children Network (2011) is a skill a three year old may possess, he only managed to put the string into a bead, and, after struggling, he lost interest. However, he managed to draw shapes (Macleod-Brudenell & Kay, 2008); he drew a circle and made an almost completed triangle. This indicates that Ian is ahead of some developmental norms expected for a two year old.

    There were some fine motor manipulative skills which I did not have an opportunity to observe, including feeding himself with a spoon and fork turning the pages of a book, clapping, making marks using a paint brush, spreading butter with a dull knife, brushing his teeth and blowing his nose, which, according to the authors I referred to at the beginning of this paper should be in the range of skills a three year old could normally acquire.

     It appears that at 2 years 8 months old, Ian’s fine manipulative skills meet the norms specified for a child approaching 3.


    All in all, I felt that the observation went well, as I have a clearer picture of how this type of observation - the checklist method - should occur, how to prepare it and how to look back and evaluate it. As with other practical assignment, I found it hard to step back and not interact with Ian and his mother, so it was good to practice this type of skill – observing without intervention, and I feel I need as many future opportunities as possible to be able to be more focused on the specific objectives.

    During the activities, because of his tendencies to repeat and concentrate, I found easy most of the times to find and tick Ian’s skills in the table I previously designed. However, when he was rapidly changing from one activity to another, I found it more difficult to search for something instead of writing everything down and processing it afterwards.

    I knew beforehand I will not be able to observe all of the skills added in the chart, but I couldn’t help feel a bit disappointed when I arrived home and worked on the evaluation.  Because Ian did some activities I hadn’t previously written and he did not do some of the ones I added in the chart, I felt the Checklist method gave me only a partial picture of Ian’s physical development. In a classroom situation I might fill in this chart over a week and it would only include things that were possible in the environment. For example, if I knew that the children did not spread butter in the setting then you would not put it on the chart. I also discovered the importance of time and space in an appropriate environment to develop physical skills.

    I felt happy to see Ian displaying skills that seemed to fit into his fine and gross motor skills development norms and share some initial findings with his mother. It is a good rewarding feeling to know all this hard work can help children fully develop and fulfil their potential.  Had Ian been way below what would be expected for his age, I would proceed to make a development plan for him. I would have called his mother or father and explained, and suggested some activities s/he could also do at home with the child.

    Overall, I feel some extra observation sessions are needed in order to confirm all these findings.


    1. Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008), Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage [online] available from: (date accessed 5/09/13)
    2. Macleod-Brudenell, I. & Kay, J. (2008, Second Edition) Advanced Early Years for Foundation Degrees & Levels 4/5 Harlow: Heinemann
    3. Montessori Centre International (undated a) Module 2 - Child Development London: MCI
    4. Montessori Centre International (undated b) Module 3 Observations London: MCI
    5. Oesterreich, L. (1995a) Ages & stages - three-year-olds [online] available from: National Network for Child Care(NNCC) [online] (date accessed 5/09/13)
    6. Oesterreich, L. (1995b) Ages & stages - two-year-olds [online] available from: National Network for Child Care(NNCC) [online] (date accessed 5/09/13)
    7. Papalia D. E., Wendkos-Olds S. & Duskin-Feldman, R., (2010, 11th ed.), Dezvoltarea Umană (Human Development), București (Bucharest): Editura Trei
    8. Raising Children Network (2011) Physical development: 3-4 years [online] available at: (date accessed 5/09/13)
    9. US National Institutes of Health, (2010) Toddler development [online] available at: (date accessed 5/09/13).